Balance Bikes

Why does my child need a balance bike? Balancing on a bicycle is not the easiest thing to pick up, but as they say once you can do it you never forget. Balance bikes make it much easier to get the feel and concept of balancing on two wheels without having pedals to get in the way and scrape your little one's shins. They also are much easier to catch yourself if you get off balance since their are no pedals and they are designed to allow toddlers to be able to touch the ground. Foot propulsion is the all that is required to teach the fundamentals of riding. When the fundamentals of balance and steering are mastered, transitioning to a bicycle with pedals or dirt bike is easy.

When learning to ride, a child needs to experience the feel of leaning and how steering affects the balance of the bike. Without leaning, such as on a tricycle or bike with training wheels, they aren't really learning to ride at all! By starting out on a balance bike, your child will develop balance, coordination, and confidence!

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